Sloping view to the sun terrace of Hotel Kristall in winter

Location and arrival

Directions to Hotel Kristall in Finkenberg, Austria

Hotel Kristall

Dorf 143
6292 Finkenberg
Zillertal, Tyrol, Austria

Your arrival in Finkenberg

Our hotel is in a central and quiet location in Finkenberg (840 m); directly below the valley station of the Finkenberger Almbahn lift, ca. 2 km from Mayrhofen and ca. 14 km from the Hintertuxer glacier year-round ski area.

Latitude: 47.15315
Longitude: 11.82416

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The best way to reach us

Arrival by car

From Munich drive on the A12 towards Kufstein/Innsbruck to the Wiesing/Zillertal autobahn exit - then continue on the main Zillertal highway B169 to Mayrhofen - or via the Mayrhofen bypass - on the main Tux road towards Finkenberg (2 km). In Finkenberg, we are located ca. 600 m past the entrance to town on the left after the church.

Coming from Innsbruck to Jenbach, take the Wiesing/Zillertal autobahn exit (then same as above)

Arrival by train

From Germany - Rosenheim - Kufstein - Wörgl - Jenbach then continue by the Zillertalbahn (train to Mayrhofen - from Mayrhofen 2 km by bus or taxi to Finkenberg - the bus stop is located right next to the hotel.

From Switzerland Zurich - Buchs - Feldkirch - Innsbruck - Jenbach (same as above)

Schedule of Austrian Railways
Schedule of German Railways

Arrival by plane

From Innsbruck travel by bus or train to Jenbach - then by the Zillertalbahn train, bus, or taxi to Mayrhofen and continue by bus or taxi to Finkenberg

Innsbruck airport (INN): 65 km away / travel time ca. 55 min.
Munich airport (MUC): 185 km away / travel time ca. 2 hrs.
Salzburg airport (SZB): 165 km away / travel time ca. 1 hrs. 50 min.

The Buchsteiner family wishes you a pleasant and stress-free journey here!